One happy fish

Chief Brody loves the new aquarium. He spends a lot of time swimming from one side of the tank to the other in an endless cycle of laps as if to say, "Look at how much room there is!"
I am starting to wonder if I should introduce a few other fish to the aquarium now that there is room. I doubt I'd want another oscar. Chief Brody would be territorial after more than a year on his own, and the whole point of getting the bigger aquarium was to give him room to grow. If I were to introduce another oscar, I'd be cancelling out the extra room he just gained.
There are a few fish that can hold their own in an oscar tank. Some gouramis. A pacu (but they get too big). An algae eater or two might not hurt. Perhaps a few silver dollars (although I'd have to buy the biggest ones I can find or they'd become his chew toys).
The problem with introducing new fish is you don't know how that might upset the happy balance you've worked so hard to achieve. What if they fight? You also have to worry about new fish, which might import disease each time you add them to the tank.
For now I think we'll keep things status quo. I don't want to upset what is, for the moment, a happy fish.
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